The Australian Cyber Network’s (ACN) charitable purpose and objective is to advance the cyber security and cyber safety of Australia, the Australian public and it’s national interests.
the growth of Australian sovereign cyber companies, capabilities and export of same.
and driving the educational pathways and professionalisation of the cyber security workforce.
the establishment of industry workforce frameworks and standards for education and professionalisation.
and influencing cyber policy and legislation in support of Australian sovereign capabilities.
Australian sovereign capabilities across public and private sectors and international forums.
Fostering the expansion of Australian sovereign cyber capabilities and professionalisation of its workforce.
Harnessing data collection and analysis to drive evidence-based policy, programs and research for economic growth of the industry.
Coordinating programs to support vulnerable community and sector groups to uplift personal and business cyber security awareness.
Serving as the independent and trusted voice of the cyber security industry, championing national and international interests.
Be part of a network that advocates for the Australian cyber security sector with a Company membership
Place your business as a leader in the global cyber security landscape with a Foundation membership
Our board comprises leading experts and thought leaders in cyber security, bringing a wealth of experience and knowledge to ACN.